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[2]Zhang G, Yayama K, Katsushima A, Miki T. A 3.2 ppm/° C second-order temperature compensated CMOS on-chip oscillator using voltage ratio adjusting technique. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 2018, 53(4): 1184-1191.(集成电路顶刊,IF:5.173)
[3]Zhang G, Yayama K, Katsushima A, Miki T. A 3.2 ppm/° C second-order temperature compensated CMOS on-chip oscillator using voltage ratio adjusting technique. Symposium on VLSI Circuits; 2017. p. C126-C127.(半导体行业顶会,日本每年录用数仅10篇左右)
[4]Zhang G, Anand A, Hikichi K, Tanaka S, Esashi M, Hashimoto K-y, et al.A 1.9 GHz Low-Phase-Noise Complementary Cross-Coupled FBAR-VCO without Additional Voltage Headroom in 0.18 µm CMOS Technology. IEICE Transactions on Electronics 2017, 100(4): 363-369.(SCI检索)
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