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The 5th International Conference on Computer Science & Education

ICCSE is the premier forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent ideas, innovations, trends, experiences, and concerns in the field of computer science and education. Since 2006, ICCSE has been held in Xiamen, Wuhan, Kaifeng and Nanning for four sessions. Many internationally renowned experts and IEEE Fellows from the fields of computer, education and control have made brilliant speeches. The conferences have been participated by many experts, academics, scientists, technicians and engineers from many well-known domestic and foreign institutions of higher learning, researches and enterprises. All the accepted papers of the former ICCSE have been included by ISI proceeding.

ICCSE 2010 is jointly organized by National Research Council of Computer Education in Colleges & Universities, China and Anhui University, China, and technically sponsored by the IEEE Nanjing Section, IEEE Control Systems Chapter, Singapore, University of British Columbia, Canada, and Xiamen Xinhangda Center of Computer Education and Development, China.

High Quality Research Submissions describing original unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and experimental work are invited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Computer Science
Database Technology
Artificial Intelligence
Computer architecture
Software engineering
Computer Graphics
Computer Application
Control Technology
Systems Engineering
Network Technology
Communication Technology
Other Advanced Technology
Computer Education
Computer Education for Graduates
Computer Education for Undergraduates
Distance Education for Computers
Life-long education
Computer Education for Special Group
Other Computer Education

Publication & Inclusion. IEEE will officially publish the proceedings. All papers included in the conference proceedings will be indexed by IEEE Xplore, ISI proceedings and Ei Compendex. (Please visit the official conference website for detailed information).

for more details:http://iccse.xmu.edu.cn/2010/