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2011 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information

2011IEEE通信和电子信息国际会议(ICCEI 2011

Haikou, China,

February 22-24, 2011


作为IEEE正式支持的会议,ICCEI 2011已经进入IEEE官方会议列表。 http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/index.html?Conf_ID=18264

ICCEI 2011会议论文集将由IEEE出版,将被IEEE Xplore存档, 并被Ei Compendex全文检索。


ICCEI 2011, will be held during February 22-24, 2011, in Haikou, China. ICCEI 2011, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of Communication and Electronics Information, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Communication and Electronics Information and related areas.

The ICCEI 2011 proceedings will be published by IEEE and All the papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex.

IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1143M-PRT ISBN: 978-1-4244-9479-8

截稿日期submission deadline:2010-12-01

投稿方式submission methods

1. Electronic Submission System; ( .pdf)


If you can't login the submission system, please try to submit through method 2.

2. Email: iccei@iacsit.org (.pdf and .doc)

会议网站official website : http://www.iccei.org/index.htm

咨询电话contact Tel:4006-999-648 (中文咨询电话), +86-28-8652-8228 (International)

QQ交流群十四群: 95161617



International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology


新加坡国际计算机科学与信息技术协会是注册的国际化的科学协会,总部位于新加坡,前身是新加坡计算机协会,致力于通过多种方式加强计算机科学与信息技术方面的学术交流和知识传播,从事国际会议论文集的出版和检索(可保证Ei, ISTP 100%检索),专业学术期刊的出版和发行。

IACSIT is a registered non-profit international scientific association of distinguished scholars engaged in Computer Science and Information Technology, who plays an influential role and promotes developments in Computer Science and Information Technology in a wide range of ways.

We organizes conferences, workshops, and provides sponsor or technical support to conferences and workshops, it also publishes high quality academic international journals in Computer Science and Information Technology.

Welcome the universities, Institutes and Scholoars to contact us about the collabration on the sponsorship of the conferences.