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3月5日截稿 研学主办 2011图像处理与模式识别会议(IPPRIE2011) SPIE出版 EI.ISTP


2011年图像处理与模式识别在工业工程中的应用国际学术研讨会(IPPRIE 2011) 将于7月30日在中国北京召开。会议由香港信息技术与工业工程研究中心与国内知名学术论坛研学论坛(bbs.matwav.com)主办。会议论文集将由 国际光学工程学会SPIE出版,所有录用的论文将提交EI与ISTP检索(该出版社此前出版的论文集100% 被EI, ISTP检索)。


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Session 1: Image Acquisition and Processing in Industrial Engineering

Session 2: Photonics in Industrial Engineering

Session 3: GIS, GPS, RS in Industrial Engineering

Session 4: Wireless and Optical Communications in Industrial Engineering

Session 5: Industrial Decision Support and Simulation System

Session 6: Intelligent Monitoring and Control/ICT Applications in Industrial Engineering

Session 7: Sensor Technology in Industrial Engineering

Session 8: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision in Industrial Engineering

Session 9: Other related information technology in Industrial Engineering

Submission Due: Before March 5, 2011

Notification of Acceptance: Before March 20, 2011

Conference Date: July 30-31, 2011